The order in which solutions are usually found, and at the end the percentage of testers who found this solution. +++ Playtesters (Non-Programmers: 6 testers) +++ 1. Faster Movement/Teleport 100% 2. Less/No Gravity 100% 3. Jump Higher 100% 4. Instant Win 100% 5. Move Star or Player in Level 83% 6. Inverse Gravity 83% 7. Remove or bridge spikes 66% 8. Invincible 66% 9. Move player up 50% 10. Player falls sideways 33% 11. Wrapping 33% 12. Multijump 33% 13. Move the Star 0% 14. Reverse Gravity 0% 15. Move the Spikes 0% +++ Playtesters (Programmers: 8 testers) +++ 1. Faster Movement/Teleport 100% 2. Less/No Gravity 100% 3. Remove or bridge spikes 100% 4. Move Star or Player in Level 100% 5. Invincible 87% 6. Instant Win 87% 7. Multijump 75% 8. Jump Higher 62% 9. Player falls sideways Was later introduced 10. Move player up 37% 11. Reverse Gravity Was later introduced 12. Move the Star 12% 13. Wrapping 12% 14. Inverse Gravity 12% 15. Move the Spikes 0%