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Freelance JavaScript and Unity3D Developer

OKF Deutschland

Sep 2017 - Jan 2018


C#, Unity3D, NatCam Pro, Web Development, JavaScript, Frontend, Aurelia, HTML / HTML5, CSS, Mobile Development, Android

Ungehörsam is workshop by Demokratielabore/Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland in which teenagers create interactive stories consisting of several locations printed as QR codes, each giving you a choice of multiple locations to visit next to let the story unfold. This is made possible by two apps: A web app to create the stories and print QR codes and a mobile reader app to experience them while scanning the QR codes.

To create the technical foundation for this workshop, I designed and created two applications:

Technology Stacks:

The code for both apps is available on GitHub as an Open Source project. Demokratielabore are a pilot project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland, government-founded by the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend in the context of the government program Demokratie leben!.