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Freelance JavaScript/WebGL Developer

TreasureHunt GmbH

Mar 2018 - May 2018

Germany, Berlin

Web Development, JavaScript, WebGL, three.js, Frontend, React, MobX, Facebook Instant Games

For TreasureHunt I worked on a 3D WebGL football game for the Facebook Instant Games platform: "GOAL! Shootout", a licensed FIFA World Cup game.

The game features flick-style input, a mix of 2D/3D graphics, asynchronous multiplayer challenges and a leaderboard. It is playable in desktop and mobile browsers and on the Facebook Messenger platform.

I was one of the main programmers on the game, taking on tasks all across the board from gameplay and input over UI to Facebook Messenger integration.

Technologies: JavaScript ES6, three.js, React, MobX, styled components.


GOAL! Shootout

GOAL! Shootout is a licensed FIFA World Cup football game for Facebook Messenger. It features flick-style input, a mix of 2D/3D graphics, asynchronous multiplayer challenges and a leaderboard. It is playable in desktop and mobile browsers and on the Facebook Messenger platform.