Freelance Unity3D Developer (VR)
NowHere Media
Jul 2020 - Apr 2021
Germany, Berlin
C#, Unity3D, Virtual Reality, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive
Kusunda is an interactive VR documentary about the sleeping Kusunda language in western Nepal, providing an immersive experience using a blend of photogrammetry, volumetric video and 3D animations.
Several times during the experience the player is taught a Kusunda word and asked to repeat it before continuing.
My responsibilities were:
- Setting up the basic VR project and the tools necessary to import volumetric video and photogrammetry.
- Developing Unity Timeline-based tools to allow the rest of the team to set up sequences consisting of animations, sounds, transitions and effects.
- Three effects:
- Mesh-based fade in/out for 3D content. (Visible in the trailer from 0:52 to 0:57.)
- Voice recording visualization, based on a concept from and together with the 3D artist.
- A variation of the above effect to symbolize a telephone call.
- Adding a recording functionality.
- Several ingame UI elements and menues.
- Working together with the 3D artist to integrate the scenes and 3D animations.
- Working together with the SFX engineer to integrate sound effects and ambience.
Pitch Deck & Information
Project Website