Freelance Unity3D Developer (AR)
Sep 2021 - Mar 2022
C#, Unity3D, Mobile Development, Android, iOS, Augmented Reality, Vuforia
I developed an augmented reality pet game featuring a cartoony gecko. Image markers are placed on top of a product of the company, and by using a smartphone or tablet users can see a playful gecko and interact with it.
My responsibilities were:
- Setting up the base project with AR functionality (using image markers tracked by Vuforia) that allows the gecko to be placed on a project.
- Development of several behaviours for the gecko:
- Moving on top of the product.
- Noticing the user, continuously turning towards them and following them with the head.
- Being pet via touch input.
- Being fed.
- Playing a ball game with the player, following the ball, bouncing it and being disappointed if it falls outside of the play area.
- Different moods that change animations and walking speed.
- Adding the feature that the environment around the gecko gets dirty and can be cleaned up.
- Integrating several UI screens based on mockups.
- Integrating sound effects.
- Planning the project together with the client and the game designer.