Zombie Planet
Apr 2013 - May 2013
Made during my studies at the HTW Berlin
Role: Lead Programmer
C#, Unity3D, Game Design, Leap Motion
Zombie Planet is a Leap Motion defense game made in Unity3D.
I was the lead programmer. Everyone participated in the game design process.
- Tobias Wehrum: Lead Programmer
- Martin Stark: Programmer
- Samuel Stein: Programmer
- Robert Meyer: Programmer
- Iwan Gabovitch: Sound Design
- Sounds by Iwan ‘qubodup’ Gabovitch, Independent.nu, jessepash, Alvinwhatup2, scarbelly25, carbilicon, esperar
- Music by Kevin MacLeod
- 3D Art by p0ss, Moser Juan José
- Font by Nate Piekos
- Planet Texture by Second Mouse Studios
- Particles & Effects by Unity Technologies